Rabu, 01 April 2009

The Canon MX700 printer Error Code 5B10.

If you get this error on your printer canon MX700 you can follow instruction below to resolve it:

1) With the machine power turned off, while pressing the Stop/Reset button, press and hold the ON/OFF button. (DO NOT release
the buttons). The Power LED lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.
2) While holding the ON/OFF button, release the Stop/Reset button. (DO NOT release the ON/OFF button.)
3) While holding the ON/OFF button, press the Stop/Reset button 2 times, and then release both the ON/OFF and Stop/Reset buttons.
(Each time the Stop/Reset button is pressed, the Alarm and Power LEDs light alternately, Alarm in orange and Power in green,
starting with Alarm LED.)
4) When the Power LED lights in green (and “Service Mode Idle” is displayed on the LCD), press the Stop/Reset button 4 times.
5) Press ON/OFF, press Stop/Reset 2 times
6) Press ON/OFF. Unplug printer and plug back in.

Turn on and the Error should be cleared

Let me know if it’s work

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